Living Loving Learning

Unwatered Seeds Don’t Germinate

In Uncategorized on Thursday, June 28, 2012 at 10:29 am


I love to garden.  Vegetable garden.  It’s a passion, something I enjoy doing each morning.

Tending the plants, tilling the ground, watering, picking the fruit. 

My thumbs aren’t the greenest, and I deal with the common Oklahoma gardener weather and pest frustrations, but I love it anyway.

I often tell people, “It’s my therapy.”  And it is.  

It’s also where I hear my Father’s voice loudest, clearest.

This morning, He reminded me, unwatered seeds don’t germinate“.  

Moms:  the Truths you say to your children over and over again get tiring.  I know.  You are repeating yourself daily, sometimes hourly.  Sometimes with a harsher tone than you mean.  It’s exhausting. 

But just as a seed needs repeated watering to keep the soil moist, as you repeat those Truths, over and over again, you will begin to see a seed sprout, and then a vine grow, and someday, even fruit!  

True for our kids, true for us.  

Believe it!

Galatians 6:9  So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

  1. You are speaking to me today. I needed this. Hugs to you and yours

  2. I found your reading plan on YouVersion 2-nights ago and I am already on part 2. As a mom nursing baby #4 through the night sometimes scripture is the best thing for my sanity. Reading your words have been so comforting feeling as though I am not alone and there is hope for what is to come.

    I absolutely love this reminder about being faithful to water. I love the idea of gardening and hope one day I can put forth the effort to do more than kill my houseplants.

    Thank you for your faithfulness.

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